Miscellaneous and Supplementary Parody Material

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Regarding the Quality of Windsor Men (circa 1990)


Back in 1990 a woman in residence at the University of Windsor put the below poem on her door. Some guy in the middle of the night came along and wrote “Fuck you bitch! Having a big cock satisfy you! You’re fuckin’ crazy!” with a sharpie.The woman who put the poem up was obviously upset and brought it to the attention of The Lance. We did an article about it. A few days letter we got an anonymous letter to the editor below. Yep. Such is the quality of men in Windsor.





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All stuff copyright 1990-2002 TransMetaPhysical Heresies R Us

(a subdivision of The Karl Mamer and Terry Brown Foundation for Creative Penury)


Email me if you want to give me a high paying job: kamamer@yahoo.com