Your OKCupcast Master Karl Mamer explains 6 maxims to keep you sane while engaging in online dating.
Six Commandments of Rational Online Dating
1) I don't respond to every message women send me. I don't expect every woman to respond back. Yeah you think you've messaged your soul mate and it stings she didn't seem to get the memo. Suck it up. Remember lots of women are messaging you thinking you're their soul mate and you're not responding to them.
2) I really only want a woman who MIGHT be interested responding to my message. I don't require a polite "Hey, thanks!" It wastes your time, it wastes my time.
3) I don't fall in love with every woman I meet from the site. I don't want a second date with most, either. I do not expect every woman I meet from the site to fall in love with me or desire a second date with me. It's nothing personal. Don't take it personal.
4) Online dating is efficient. But that cuts both ways. It's efficient to find people but it's just as easy to go "nope, not 95% of what I want. Next." Again, nothing personal.
5) It's a numbers game. Gird your loins. Be prepared to get kicked in the balls a lot. But remember, it's nothing personal.
6) If you do have a nice date, you're not a douche bag, everything ends well, and you text/email and ask for a second date, you're probably morally owed a "it was great meeting you, you're a nice guy/gal, but I'm going to continue my search." But understand some, mostly women in my estimation, have tried that and suddenly the self-styled "nice guy" becomes a huge, huge angry asshole. Once bitten, twice shy. Again, try not to take it personally.