White Label Humour was:
- Karl Mamer
- Terry Brown (aka Terry Andrew Sam
Browne Belt Brown, One Heck of a Digital Guy)

White Label Humour was a radio show my friend
Terry and I wrote/hosted on the University of Windsor's CJAM (91.5 fm) from
June 1987 to July 1990. We brought CJAM's listeners an hour of biting satire
with a strong local bent. We lampooned local luminaries like Mayor David
Burr, Charles Mady ("Windsor's developer king Charlemady"), Pat
"Windsor's Only Lawyer" Ducharme, Karen Hall (holy cow, those bastards
made fun of Karen Hall?) and Councilor Tom Toth (reputed Maximum Leader of
City Council's secret police force "the Tom Toth Macoutes"). We
poked fun at Windsor's lunchbucket mentality, the Freedom Festival, the
Conklin Carnival, the Peace Fountain, and of course Jason's.